ERROR 8: Array to string conversion
0 Error occurred on in function strpos
1 called from line 459 of file authentication.php in function checktableexists
2 called from line 404 of file authentication.php in function adminuserexists
3 called from line 832 of file session.php in function require_once
4 called from line 69 of file config.php in function require
5 called from line 26 of file compact.php
ERROR:-1 DB Error: unknown error
CREATE TABLE pgv_users (u_username VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, u_password VARCHAR(255), u_firstname VARCHAR(255), u_lastname VARCHAR(255), u_gedcomid TEXT, u_rootid TEXT, u_canadmin VARCHAR(2), u_canedit TEXT, u_email TEXT, u_verified VARCHAR(20), u_verified_by_admin VARCHAR(20), u_language VARCHAR(50), u_pwrequested VARCHAR(20), u_reg_timestamp VARCHAR(50), u_reg_hashcode VARCHAR(255), u_theme VARCHAR(50), u_loggedin VARCHAR(2), u_sessiontime INT, u_contactmethod VARCHAR(20), u_visibleonline VARCHAR(2), u_editaccount VARCHAR(2), u_defaulttab INT, u_comment VARCHAR(255), u_comment_exp VARCHAR(20), u_sync_gedcom VARCHAR(2), u_relationship_privacy VARCHAR(2), u_max_relation_path INT, u_auto_accept VARCHAR(2), PRIMARY KEY(u_username)) [nativecode=1226 ** User 'capiau_pgv' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 64000)]

ERROR:-1 DB Error: unknown error
CREATE INDEX users_username ON pgv_users (u_username) [nativecode=1226 ** User 'capiau_pgv' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 64000)]

ERROR:-18 DB Error: no such table
CREATE INDEX news_username ON pgv_news (n_username) [nativecode=1146 ** Table 'capiau_pgv.pgv_news' doesn't exist]

Josephus VELTENS Arbre compact - - PhpGedView

Arbre compact:
Josephus VELTENS

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Josephus VELTENS